APPF presents Farhana Khan

Mar 16, 2023 | interviews

Watch an in-depth interview with our member audiologist on their passion for their chosen career!

See full video below

SNIPPET: Why are hearing aids so big and expensive

SNIPPET: How do you see being part of APPF and the changes within audiology and the future of an Independent Audiologists


0:00 Introduction
6:34 In the UAE what is the scope of audiology compared to South Africa
9:49 Why are hearing aids so big and expensive
14:55 What makes you excited about what you do
21:19 What would you tell your 21 year old self
23:53 What has been one of the more challenging parts of your career
28:00 What has been the the most positive point in your career
32:03 How do you see being part of APPF and the changes within audiology and the future of an Independent Audiologists

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