APPF presents Tamara van Zyl

Apr 4, 2023 | interviews

Watch an in-depth interview with our member audiologist on their passion for their chosen career!

SNIPPET: When trialing two hearing aids with your patients do you find they more often go with the second option? When trialling two hearing aids with your patients do you find they more often go with the second option.mp4

SNIPPET: The future of independent audiologists. The future of independent audiologists.mp4

Full video

Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction
0:45 Tell us more about the clinical work that you do
3:56 Tell us about the development in technology that you’ve seen over the years
&:55 With there being 3 major companies that manufacture cochlear implants, do you have a preferred supplier?
9:51 How was the transition for you from a corporate audiologist to an independent audiologist?
11:53 The rewarding feeling that comes when offering patients a specialized service like cochlear implant
15:14 Do you offer rehab, diagnosis, and all the various intervention options?
18:35 What has been a difficult moment in your career?
21:35 We know cochlear implants are your first love, what else are you passionate about?
25:53 How have you managed deaf-signing patients?
29:59 When trialling two hearing aids with your patients do you find they more often go with the second option?
35:52 The future of independent audiologists.

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